A Great Location
In real estate it’s all about “location.” Residing at Cherokee Lake, most of your major cities are less than a day’s drive away.
Approximate distance times to a few major cities from Cherokee Lake include:
- Nashville, TN — 3 hours and 13 minutes
- Atlanta, GA — 3 hours and 43 minutes
- Charleston, SC — 5 hours and 26 minutes
- Savannah, GA — 6 hours and 1 minute
- Washington, D.C. — 7 hours and 4 minutes
- Chicago, IL — 8 hours and 40 minutes
- Disney World — 9 hours and 58 minutes.
- New York City, NY — 10 hours and 26 minutes
- Miami, FL — 12 hours and 41 minutes.
We can go on and on, but to distance your favorite city and check out the distance go to https://distancecalculator.globefeed.com/US_Distance_Calculator.asp