It will be extremely difficult for you to find a lakeview lot that is for sale with a better panoramic view of Cherokee Lake. Unobstructed views of Cherokee Lake and the surrounding mountains for miles and miles! Today, when you buy, and tomorrow when you decide to build. The site has underground electricity so there are no ugly power lines to interfere with the views. The way the lot lays there is not a home that can be built in front of you to block this amazing view. This is so critical. Over the years we have met families that bought their dream property to build on, and as lots were sold off, their dream property, with their dream view, was no more. This will not be the case with this one. Dream view today. Dream view tomorrow! In real estate, corner lots are much sought after, and this fits that description. And the slight angulation of the lot will allow you to build the perfect basement style home with easy road access. The land has been cleared at a cost of thousands of dollars. It is ready to build on. The inlets, coves, and islands that dot Cherokee Lake create a scene that viewed from this lot is priceless. Photos do not do this property justice; you must see it for yourself.
There are no HOA fees in this community. Short term rentals are fine if you decide to build a vacation home and rent it with VRBO or Airbnb. Tennessee, which has NO State Income Tax and some of the lowest property taxes in the nation. No city property taxes. County property taxes are less than $300 per year. Four full, mild seasons. Within an 8-hour drive of 20 states, and the Great Smoky Mountains in its backyard. Located in Grainger County, with its scenic farmland, but close to all necessary amenities. Close to the town of Morristown. Restaurants, malls, theaters, hospitals, schools, and retail shops are all nearby. Marinas and boat launching ramps are all within 2 miles. Golf courses are close by. Looking for paradise? It doesn’t get much better than this.
Live the Cherokee Lake Life!