Generally whatever improvements you put into your home before you list it, you will not get back financially. Don’t paint. If you paint the walls white, the next owner will probably want yellow. If you fix the cracks on the sidewalk, you won’t see that money back. Now, there are exceptions. If your front door is missing, for goodness sake, get a door. If your roof is leaking, and there is a bucket in the living room catching the water, get the roof fixed. Here is the skinny. There are no perfect homes. Even a new home will come with a punch list as the buyer finds imperfections that need to be corrected. New cars come with a warranty. Used cars have a history. Homes are the same. You know what imperfections your home has. You know what a home inspection report will generally find that will need to be corrected. Price your home accordingly so that you can always discount for these issues during negotiations. Now, there are three environmental issues that should be addressed in making your home appealing. Clutter, cleanliness, and smell. If a buyer can’t walk in the front door because personal stuff is all over the place, this will detract from the look of your home. If there are clothes laying in the bedroom floor, this will detract. There is nothing wrong with having boxes in the area that you have packed; you are moving after all. But general clutter and mess is not appealing and will influence a potential buyer. A word on the garage. It’s a garage not the dining room. So, some clutter is to be expected here. If there are dishes piled in your sink, or the bathroom is messy, this will detract. If you smoke or have pets, air your home out. Either with an open window or air fresheners. First impressions are important. If the home shows cluttered, dirty, or smelly this will make a more lasting impression than a crack in the sidewalk.